Nenad Pavin
Principal investigator of the group.
University of Zagreb • Faculty of Science • Department of physics
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Science
Department of physics
Nenad Pavin
Principal investigator of the group.
Shane Amadeus Fiorenza
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow, Postdoc on the ERC project (until 10/2024)
Domagoj Božan
PhD student on the ERC project, defended his thesis, November 2024.
Ivan Sigmund
PhD student on the ERC project.
Lucija Tomašić
PhD student on the ERC project.
Ivana Brebrić
Project Administrator.
Denis Radolović, undergraduate student (thesis defended in 2024).
Ina Mihalj, undergraduate student (thesis defended in 2024).
Maja Novak, PhD student (thesis defended in 2017). Current position: professor at the University of Zagreb, [link].
Subhadip Ghosh, Postdoc (2020-2023).
Ivana Ban, PhD student (thesis defended in 2023).
Arian Ivec, PhD student (thesis defended in 2022).
Agneza Bosilj, PhD student (thesis defended in 2020).
Marcel Prelogović, PhD student (thesis defended in 2019).
Tihomir Engelsfeld, PhD student (thesis defended in 2011). Current position: Principal of a high school
Vladmir Krstic, PhD student (thesis defended in 2008). Current position: Senior lecturer at a college
Veronika Pisačić, undergraduate student.
Zvonimir Boban, undergraduate student. Current position: PhD student at the University of Split
Ivan Jelenic, undergraduate student. Current position: Teacher.
Eva Hrabric , undergraduate student. Current position: Teacher.