P. Risteski, D. Božan, M. Jagrić, A. Bosilj, N. Pavin and I.M. Tolić
Length-dependent poleward flux of sister kinetochore fibers promotes chromosome alignment.
Cell Reports 40, 111169 (2022)
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Center of Excellence

Scientific Center of Excellence for Quantum and Complex Systems, and Representations of Lie Algebras — QuantiXLie
The main goal of the Scientific Center of Excellence for Quantum and Complex Systems, and Representations of Lie Algebras (QuantiXLie) is to strongly reinforce the international visibility of theoretical physics and mathematics research conducted at Croatian universities and scientific institutes, and to enable implementing large competitive projects for international programs. ZCI QuantiXLie aims to create a motivating environment for learning and training of young researchers and provide a stable long-time financial framework for their education and professional development. Members of the QuantiXLie center are internationally recognized researchers who publish their results in leading international scientific journals, which gather significant number of citations and have impact on the scientific community.
Researcher (PI): Hrvoje Buljan
Host Institution (HI): University of Zagreb – Faculty of Science
Call Details: Centres of Research Excelence in the Republic of Croatia
Total value of the project: 37.999.999,99 HRK for five years
EU financial support: 36.956.624,09 HRK for five years
Thanks: QuantiXLie Center of Excellence, a project co-financed by the Croatian Government and European Union through the European Regional Development Fund—The Competitiveness and Cohesion Operational Programme (grant KK.
Duration: Start date: November 1, 2017, End date: October 31, 2022
A. Ivec, M. Trupinić, I.M. Tolić and N. Pavin
Oblique circle method for measuring the curvature and twist of mitotic spindle microtubule bundles.
Biophys J 120, 3641-3648 (2021).
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P. Risteski, M. Jagrić, N. Pavin and I.M. Tolić
Biomechanics of chromosome alignment at the spindle midplane.
Curr Biol 31, R574-R585 (2021).
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I.M. Tolić and N. Pavin
Mitotic spindle: Lessons from theoretical modeling.
Mol Biol Cell 32, 218–222 (2021).
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N. Pavin and I.M. Tolić
Mechanobiology of the Mitotic Spindle.
Dev Cell 56, 192-201 (2021).
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M. Prelogović, L. Winters, A. Milas, I.M. Tolić, and N. Pavin
Pivot-and-bond model explains microtubule bundle formation.
Phys Rev E 100, 012403 (2019).
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Earlier version of the manuscript is available online at: bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/157719.
L. Winters, I. Ban, M. Prelogović, I. Kalinina, N. Pavin., I.M. Tolić.
Pivoting of microtubules driven by minus-end-directed motors leads to spindle assembly.
BMC Biology 17:42 (2019).
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I.M. Tolic, M. Novak, N. Pavin.
Helical Twist and Rotational Forces in the Mitotic Spindle.
Biomolecules 9, 132 (2019).
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M. Novak, B. Polak, J. Simunić, Z. Boban, B. Kuzmić, A. Thomae, I.M. Tolić, N. Pavin.
The mitotic spindle is chiral due to torques within microtubule bundles.
Nat. Commun. 9, 3571 (2018).
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Pre-print of the paper is available online at: bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/167437.
I. Jelenić, A.M. Selmecki, L. Laan, N. Pavin.
Spindle Dynamics Model Explains Chromosome Loss Rates in Yeast Polyploid Cells.
Front Genet 9, 296 (2018).
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Pre-print of the paper is available online at: bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/204230.
A.H. Klemm, A. Bosilj, M Glunčić, N. Pavin, I.M. Tolić.
Metaphase kinetochore movements are regulated by kinesin-8 motors and microtubule dynamic instability.
Mol Biol Cell 29, 1332-1345 (2018)
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